“The primeval forest fell silent. It was as if all of nature braced in anticipation of something unseen. As sudden as a gasp, a piercing howl rose and was answered by a crashing roar. With moon as it’s witness, the forest and all in it shuddered. For none could stand before the combined fury and courage of the Wolf and the glory and majesty of a Dragon”


What is WolfDrake?

WolfDrake is a collaborative artistic project whose goal is creating bespoke items that combine art with functionality. With every piece, we aim to capture the romantic spirit of hand-crafted items of old, and temper it with a flair of modern pragmatism, creating a unique style for our generation.

We use many and varied mediums to convey our work, from leather and clay to traditional and digital canvas, to name a few. We mould and shape our skills to accommodate the final goal of the project, so the materials and tools involved will scale with the ambition of the project itself. We hope that this natural growth would allow us to branch out our ideas even more, so we tend to view each project that we undertake as the best one yet, but also as a learning curve towards the next peak.


Our Mission

With so many sources to draw ideas from, we want to pay homage to many creations that inspire us. We love literature, outdoors, science, music, movies & shows, all sorts of fantasy & sci-fi, as well as being gamers both traditional and digital, all this makes us extremely passionate about creating something for everyone that loves and appreciates our work and the works of art and mind that set us on our path.

We believe that our many interests and varied skill set combine into a symphony of ideas and inspirations and we sincerely hope you will come with us on this journey as we explore our imagination and strive to push our skills to their maximum potential.